Don't believe the hype... God is not dead! 

 Don't believe the hype... 

 God is not dead! 

And science has not killed God! It couldn’t, even if it wanted to. Science is the study of natural phenomena. And God is supernatural, i.e. above or beyond the natural, and surpasses the confines of true science.

This doesn’t mean that we can’t observe the evidence of a supernatural God in the natural world. Many pieces of evidence, like the fine-tuning of the universe, the complexity of life and the existence of morality, point to a Designer. And these make the case that it is reasonable and rational to believe in God.

Some of the world’s leading thinkers, like Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University, John Lennox, say exactly the same.

And science has not killed God! It couldn’t, even if it wanted to. Science is the study of natural phenomena. And God is supernatural, i.e. above or beyond the natural, and surpasses the confines of true science.

This doesn’t mean that we can’t observe the evidence of a supernatural God in the natural world. Many pieces of evidence, like the fine-tuning of the universe, the complexity of life and the existence of morality, point to a Designer. And these make the case that it is reasonable and rational to believe in God.

Some of the world’s leading thinkers, like Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University, John Lennox, say exactly the same.

The evidence does not simply reveal that we can believe in God, but that we can know Him. The most accurately preserved eye witness accounts in all of history, the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; present the life and claims of the most radical person to ever walk the earth, Jesus of Nazareth.

Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, that He came to reconcile people to God through His death and resurrection, and that His resurrection would verify all that He said and did. In other words, Jesus’ resurrection is the key historic event that illuminates the truth that we can know the loving and just God of the Bible. And yes, the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus is overwhelming.

People like Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Theology at Liberty University, Dr Gary Habermas, have dedicated their lives to presenting this evidence.

The evidence does not simply reveal that we can believe in God, but that we can know Him. The most accurately preserved eye witness accounts in all of history, the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; present the life and claims of the most radical person to ever walk the earth, Jesus of Nazareth.

Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, that He came to reconcile people to God through His death and resurrection, and that His resurrection would verify all that He said and did. In other words, Jesus’ resurrection is the key historic event that illuminates the truth that we can know the loving and just God of the Bible. And yes, the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus is overwhelming.

People like Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Theology at Liberty University, Dr Gary Habermas, have dedicated their lives to presenting this evidence.

The bottom line...

These thoughts are but a drop in the ocean, but hopefully enough to illustrate the fact that it is completely rational to believe in God, and more specifically, the God of the Bible as revealed by Jesus.

If you are open to explore more, why not take a next step?!

The bottom line...

These thoughts are but a drop in the ocean, but hopefully enough to illustrate the fact that it is completely rational to believe in God, and more specifically, the God of the Bible as revealed by Jesus.

If you are open to explore more, why not take a next step?!

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